Friday, August 19, 2011

7 Things the Church of Christ Needs to Talk More About

1. The Holy Spirit (being more open to its leadership/understanding its functions)
2. Suffering (how to suffer righteously and the proper mindset)
3. Pacifism (examining what Jesus said about war and violence)
4. Apologetics (why we believe what we believe)
5. Nationalism (we are citizens of a kingdom before a nation)
6. Homosexuality (how to deal with/respond to it)
7. Religiousness/Religiosity as an Idol (making church involvement a replacement for spiritual growth)


  1. Sounds like some of what I'm reading in Mere Discipleship. Numbers 3 and 5, especially. Hope you're doing well!

    Adam Bruce

  2. Yeah, that book is what shaped/re-shaped my views on both issues. Great book. Thanks for reading man.

