Thursday, November 19, 2009

Representative Part 2

Tuesday night went great! We had 6 representatives from Mayfair and had a really refreshing conversation with some great Methodist brothers and sisters. They were inquisitive about every part of our "denomination". I say "denomination" because they couldn't grasp that every Church of Christ is autonomous from the other one. No board of directors, no governing body, no certain book, no lectionary (ask me later what that is)-so interesting. One of the main thing that we wanted to get across was that Churches of Christ are struggling with image, what they believe, and why they believe it. A new generation of believers is emerging and asking necessary questions and challenging the status quo. At the end of the conversation we had about 4 people come up to us and tell us about "horror stories" from the Church of Christ and that we had cleared up some real confusion and frustration they had with us. Sad but true that this is where many "denominational" churches are now-dispelling myths about their particular faith. God help us as the church tries to become your bride.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


So I received an interesting call yesterday from a Methodist pastor down the road (this could go a lot of different ways). They have been doing a class on Christian religions for the last 8 weeks and have had representatives from each denomination come and speak. In a nutshell, Caleb and I have been chosen to represent the Churches of Christ. A few things they asked us to talk about-History/background, sacraments (Communion and baptism) and worship style among others. I love this idea, and I am pumped to have the opportunity to represent our denomination. Anything you would like to clear up to other denominations about the Churches of Christ as whole? What is the one thing you would make absolutely clear about our denomination?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ladies Class

Caleb and I have been teaching the Ladies Class on Tuesdays here at Mayfair. Sounds a little weird I know, but I only go when I teach. I have to admit I was a bit distraught when I first found out that we had to teach ladies class. It is mostly older women, however a few of the younger ones show up when they can. After just a few classes, I was in love. These ladies are awesome! Interested yet gracious, they make a great audience for a couple of young ministers just getting their feet wet. It has been great getting to know them better and I always look forward to their monthly luncheon. Can't wait to teach again.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Information vs. Application

Here is the crux of what Southern religion/doctrine is going through right now-Information vs. application. For the last 50 years or so we have relied heavily on information/doctrine to save people. We have infected people with the idea that knowledge and "correct" doctrine are the way to be saved. Oops...we forgot that Jesus said, "Go into the world and preach the good news". One of the pros our generation, as there are many cons, is we have latched on to this idea. We cannot ever forget that our job as ministers to the broken world, is to SHOW them how Christ lived and what he was about. But, as the book UnChristian found out, moral standards are not the way to SHOW people. Restoration and redemption is what we are to be about. Restoring broken relationships, having healthy Christ-centered marriages, using our finances in a way that is contrary to how the world thinks, and maybe the biggest is letting the church be at the forefront of how to uphold all of these. We cannot make information the point and we cannot apply the wrong principles. God bless us as we strive to find a healthy balance of the two.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Need Help

Caleb and I are teaching the Ladies class here on Tuesday's over the book UnChristian. This is book is about people's (non-believers) perception of the church. Such a powerful book for looking at reality. I wanted to share a quote with you from Margaret Feinberg, a well known Christian author and speaker. I feel the same.
"I thought becoming a follower of Jesus would help me kick the sin habit, providing the inoculation I needed, but in some ways the symptoms just grew worse. I realized how much was was infected and how it was affecting my attitude, my relationships my life. So the truth is that I'm fighting. I'm fighting sing with everything I've got. Odds are that if you're calling me a hypocrite then you caught me on on of my worst days. I am sorry. I'm sorry that I let you down and disappointed you. But the truth is that i'm not giving up or letting go. I've encountered a God who promises that the battle ends in victory--life instead of death. S call me crazy--but I'm holding on to that promise. I'm also trying to uphold the standards God has set. They;re pretty high, and some days I just find myself laying on the ground, staring at the ceiling. But then I feel an urge, an energy, to get up and fight once again. I could use your help. The next time you see me behaving like a hypocrite, pull me aside and gently let me know. I'd really appreciate it."
