Sunday, October 3, 2010

Life of the Mind

C.S. Lewis calls pride "The supreme vice". He goes on to explain that pride is there when we think we have whipped some other vice. And when we think we have "whipped" all of them, we begin to think better of ourselves which easily turns into pride. What's frustrating, is all of this takes place inside. Sure, some people are outwardly prideful (I know I am at times), but that just shows an insecurity which, ironically, says about them that they have the exact opposite view of themselves. Too often in the church do we neglect the life and sins of the mind. The reality is, if you have grown up in the church, or for that matter, live in the bible belt you probably don't struggle with the "major" sins. Which of course are drinking, watching "R" rated movies and sex outside of marriage (which I heard can lead to dancing). The point is, the majority of Christians struggle with pride, envy, jealousy, lust, anger, resentment, thinking we are better than others and so on. All of which can have no outward signs. Paul says, in Romans 12, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind." Paul knew this was extremely vital to our lives as Christians. We must guard and renew our minds daily through the word, prayer, the spirit and each other, as to not let that "supreme vice" take hold.

