For me, Church was always a building. It was a place where I straightened up or got grounded (which might have happened more than a few times). Of course, I grew up hearing and being taught that the church, was indeed, actually the people. However, I never questioned this juxtaposition as a kid. “Stop running! This is the Lord’s House! No yelling! This is the Lord’s House! No shorts. We are going to church.” And why again could I not kiss my 8th grade girlfriend in the church building during a lock-in? The mystery of what was so sacred about the “church building” continued to unravel into my college years. Although, I knew intellectually that the church was the people, and not a building, I still wasn’t sure what to do about it. I continued to feel this strange compulsion to dress up for church on Sunday morning and act differently while I was there. Even though, in college (when I actually could wear shorts), I think dressing up was much more about a chance to look nice for the girl I liked instead of “giving my best to God”. Much more than the church just being the people, I actually just found out that it began as a movement! Did you know, when the church began, they didn’t have to send out a catchy mailer with a cool graphic on it, an e-mail to all their friends, and make sure they mentioned it on Facebook? The genesis of the church actually happened through word of 80’s.
Really, “The Church” no longer functions like a movement. If it did, there would be way to many variables if we still called “The Church” a movement. “Who’s in charge? Who makes the rules? Who decides who’s in and who’s out? What version of the bible are we going to use? Can we use instruments? Is Sunday evening service at 5...or 6 (We all know Sunday evening service in Heaven will be at 6)? Imagine the 1st century church asking these questions. Ridiculous! All they knew was that they were cut to the heart and wanted to do something about it, they had possibly negated some great promise for themselves and future generations and they had crucified the one man whom they read about in scripture...the Messiah.
When did church become so complicated?
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