Monday, March 29, 2010

Wrapped Up

When I wrote those words, immediately the VBS song came to my head (If you don't know it, ask someone to a very public place, I promise you it will be funny). I was studying Acts and realized they were wrapped up in something much bigger than you or I have ever experienced. That's what I long for the church to be wrapped up in again. A sense of urgency, of desperation, of absolute necessity to spread the gospel. Not only to spread the gospel, but to be sanctified through the blood of Jesus. However, we have come to a place in religion that says, "Just learn more about the Bible." Here's the deal-we have our mission, we know what to do, we know what God did, now we need to work on doing it. Like, really work on doing it. I want to be wrapped up in something so big, I actually would give my life for it. Cause if an opportunity came where I could, I'm not sure what my response would be. If the church really was "Wrapped up in Jesus", I wonder what it would like?

1 comment:

  1. You have a great attitude---if only we knew how to SPARK the flame---the song---IT ONLY TAKES A SPARK TO GET A FIRE GOING SOON ALL THOSE AROUND CAN WARM UP TO IT'S GLOWING -- that's how it is with GOD's LOVE---

