Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Need Help

Caleb and I are teaching the Ladies class here on Tuesday's over the book UnChristian. This is book is about people's (non-believers) perception of the church. Such a powerful book for looking at reality. I wanted to share a quote with you from Margaret Feinberg, a well known Christian author and speaker. I feel the same.
"I thought becoming a follower of Jesus would help me kick the sin habit, providing the inoculation I needed, but in some ways the symptoms just grew worse. I realized how much was was infected and how it was affecting my attitude, my relationships my life. So the truth is that I'm fighting. I'm fighting sing with everything I've got. Odds are that if you're calling me a hypocrite then you caught me on on of my worst days. I am sorry. I'm sorry that I let you down and disappointed you. But the truth is that i'm not giving up or letting go. I've encountered a God who promises that the battle ends in victory--life instead of death. S call me crazy--but I'm holding on to that promise. I'm also trying to uphold the standards God has set. They;re pretty high, and some days I just find myself laying on the ground, staring at the ceiling. But then I feel an urge, an energy, to get up and fight once again. I could use your help. The next time you see me behaving like a hypocrite, pull me aside and gently let me know. I'd really appreciate it."


  1. Ever think "i know i shouldn't be doing this" in the very act of committing sin? Ever though "well, i'll repent later on today" in the very act of committing sin? Ever pray and apologize to God and then do the exact same thing within minutes of praying that prayer? Ever actually sort out exactly what new rules or boundaries you need to make for yourself, and then break them the very same day you made them? Ever tried to just ignore your conscience because you're tired of feeling guilty about doing that same thing over and over again? Ever feel like you're not allowed to enjoy the worship or fellowship or edification at church because you feel like a hypocrite so you don't deserve to feel good at church?

    It gets hard sometimes that things will ever get better. And the struggle gets incredibly taxing.


  2. "it hets hard sometimes TO BELIEVE that things will ever get better"

  3. Amen to that brother. So thankful for a graceful God.

