Thursday, August 20, 2009


I am passionate about simplicity.
When church becomes too complicated, the gospel is watered down. Too many ministries, programs, committees and meetings, can take our focus from where we know it should ultimately be.


  1. Amen. I totally agree with you. Allow members to share how Jesus has changed them. Let that be the gospel preached and many will be attracted to Jesus.

    Programs, ministries and religious fluff is just smoke and mirrors. Let the Spirit dwell in the testimony of the saints and see how many people come to Him.

  2. Great thoughts Dusty. Thanks

  3. This is why i find myself generally skeptical of a lot of tv churches and mega churches and even neo-community churches. It seems by their extensive use of various bells and whistles, they judge the basic problem with traditional institutions of Christianity (largely protestant) is that those institutions aren't 'dressed up in modern clothes.' Traditional Christianity is dressed up in older, out-of-fashion clothing, so new generations can't connect with it. Thus, if you had a lot of trendy flashiness to your basic Christian elements, then all of the sudden, church should "work" for newer generations.

    i can't help but think that both positions are problematic for the same reason. It seems to me that the basic elements of Christian practice and faith do not need "dressed up" at all--whether older garb or trendier threads. If Jesus and the apostles were right about what Christianity really is, then it seems the most basic elements of Christianity (prayer, communion, reading and studying of scripture) really shouldn't need the help of all my various packaging or marketing-strategy ideas. If you can't get people sold on following Christ when all they've got are they basics, then i don't think all of the video editing, jumbo screens, powerpoints, or game-show-like techniques in the world will turn those people into true followers of Christ.

