Monday, August 31, 2009

Fear and Faith

Caleb and I were talking about this yesterday and I wanted to see what everyone else thought about it. As we were talking this came out, "Faith doesn't exist without fear." Here is a bit of prompting. Having the faith that we proclaim obviously isn't easy. There is something that holds us back from really acting on that faith. Acting in the way that God has called us to act. By acting i don't mean "doing the right thing", more along the lines of, acting in faith, or living in faith (hope this makes sense). When was the last time you acted in faith? So much so, you leaped out in faith and couldn't see the bottom, but had faith that God would catch you. So back to the original question. Does faith exist without fear?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

YA Meeting

Thanks so much to everyone who attended the meeting tonight/last night. Thanks to everyone who participated. I know God was in that meeting and God will continue to work at Mayfair. A special thanks to Jeff for answering our questions honestly and taking a huge risk that I believe will have great rewards.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I'm trying to get more organized. I'm putting a white board up in my office to write to do items and not to do items on. I would love suggestions. How do you get/stay organized?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Viral Video

This video is hilarious. I'm sure some of you have seen it. Good stuff.

Psalms 34:8-10

This is an awesome verse I read right before worship yesterday. The man who fears God, LACKS NOTHING. The rest of the chapter is really encouraging as well, but this verse jumped out at me. Lacks nothing! The discouraging part is, I will never be able to fear God enough to not lack anything (hope that made sense). But the best part is, Jesus in his perfection, makes up for everything I lack! Praise God.

Friday, August 21, 2009


I am passionate about communication.
This, I believe, is the crux of a healthy thriving church. Without communication, unity will be stifled. Without communication, passions cannot be expressed. I cannot express this enough-A group cannot know a leaders thought’s and intentions unless they are spoken in a clear and understandable way. One may have the best of intentions, and may have the best possible answer to the current circumstances, but if the answer is not communicated clearly, and often, the group will be confused. Without good, meaningful, direct communication, marriages die. Without good, meaningful, direct communication, churches die. If a church is to be healthy, it must have honest and clear communication-this cannot be overlooked.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I am passionate about simplicity.
When church becomes too complicated, the gospel is watered down. Too many ministries, programs, committees and meetings, can take our focus from where we know it should ultimately be.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Passion-21st Century

I am passionate about becoming the church in the 21st century.
We will not reach people if we are striving to be “exactly” like the 1st century church. Let me clarify. This does not mean we abandon what the 1st century did. It does not mean we abandon the things the 1st century church believed. It does mean, however, we use whatever means we have available to help us to reach people in a culturally relevant way as I believe scripture teaches the 1st century church did.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I am passionate about unity.
I believe if people have a unified vision, goal, and attitude, nothing can stop them from accomplishing what God has place upon their heart. This will only happen if all are willing to stand together - ALL! Once there is a wavering from anyone, this model breaks down. As Margret Mead says, “Never doubt that a small group of committed thoughtful people can change the world. Indeed, it is all that ever has.”

Monday, August 17, 2009

I am passionate-Series

I had quite a bit of thinking time at camp and decided to write about things that I am passionate about. So this week will be a few of the things I am passionate about. On any of these posts, I would love to hear what you are passionate about. I do not claim to be perfect in any of these areas but I strive be better and push others to do the same. Here's a start.
I am passionate about leadership. I am passionate about leaders leading. People who are in leadership positions must have passion for what they lead. Without passion leadership means nothing. Actions speak louder than words. It doesn’t matter what one says, it doesn't matter how many different ways one tries to communicate, if actions are not joined with words, trust is lost. This is much the same in the Christian faith. If one only has faith and no action they are no Christian at all. And in the same way, if one only has action and no faith they are no Christian either. Leader’s words require action. However, one’s actions are seen by all - intentions are not. Leaders lead by actions.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Last Two Weeks

This has been a crazy last two weeks. I have been at Camp Blue Haven and had a great time getting to know the other teachers better and influencing lots of campers lives. I was in Nashville the last half of the week to watch my sister get married. It was a great time to see family and to see how much the congregation there loves my sister. It was a much needed time of rejuvenation and I am glad to be back in the office with some great friends. As a side note, I opened my office today and there was a frenzy of strings and encouragement. Thanks so much to anyone who contributed and know that the Young Adults class means so much to Court and I-we have made some of our best friends here.
