Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thought for the Day-Feelings

When someone is not good at something, and I mean really not good at it, but for some reason have been told otherwise their entire life, what do you do? Do you spare them the embarrassment and tell them, crushing their spirit? Or do you stand by and watch, counting the seconds/days until they are done/finished? Would love to here some of your experiences.


  1. It's funny bc I was discussing something similar the other day with someone. We were talking about what do you say when someone thinks someone else is sooo awesome at something but you think they suck. It makes me wonder who do I think is awesome that other people think sucks? So to answer your question I would most likely do nothing bc obviously it's just my opinion so if others think they are awesome then let those people make the other one feel good I guess....or send them to Simon Cowell.

  2. i probably wouldn't flat tell them what i thought unless they asked. If they never asked, i'd probably just let them find out the hard way (whenever they have to face someone's professional opinion about it).

